Campaign India caught up with Stuart green, chief executive officer, Interbrand Asia Pacific, during his recent visit to Mumbai. The first question we asked him was about how Indian companies are responding to the work that brand consultancies do.
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Green responded, "It's mixed. Some of the companies we talk to have a misperception of what brands really are. So we spend a lot of time in developing markets educating as much as we consult." When asked to pick his favourite Indian brands, he chose to go with Interbrand's clients in India - Godrej, Taj and Videocon Mobile Services, and said Tata and Reliance were two companies with immense branding potential.
Next up, we asked Green questions about how critical a sports sponsorship is for a brand, considering the sheer number that can be seen during the current ICC World Cup and the companies that will be considering one for the IPL.
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Green said, "We've got to work out what value that sponsorship brings for the brand." To that end, it's also about which aspect of the brand will be showcased. He cites the example of Rolex pitching precision for their sailing sponsorships.
Answering a query about how he thinks brands are reacting to the temptation of social media, Green believed that a lot of companies are jumping on it, just to be there. He emphasised that it's more important to have a holistic digital strategy. "The one thing that is true about the digital world is that no matter who you are, you're exposed. You've got to be transparent and that forces better behaviour from companies, which I think is a good thing," he stated.
even i see lot of potential in videocon mobile services as a brand!!